Sunday, March 05, 2006

deciphering life

At a certain point in life we find ourselves trying to figure out why we're here, what we're doing and ultimately what we're going to leave behind (our legacy; this is especially evident among us males). In my life it's about that time. I've been looking back at what I've accomplished so far and quite frankly, I'm not all that impressed by what I see.

So the question is: What is it I want to see happen in my life over the next year? Or maybe a better question would be, "What are hieroglyphics on the wall of my life that I need to decipher to understand what direction i feel i need to take in my life. In other words what's the Rosetta key to deciphering my life?

I was deep in conversation with a friend today discussing why in life we need to make an effort to figure out the personalities around us to be able to truly communicate and connect with each other. As we continued to talk we got into how we treat each other and how we sometimes blame our personalities for certain quirks in our behavior. Which prompted this statement: "Just because you've got a certain personality type doesn't give you the right to be an a$$hole." Amen and amen.

1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

Its funny, I have started questioning my place in life as well.